I've wondered this for a long time and maybe someone here can shed some light.
Back in 1975-76 I was using the PDP-11 and Oregon Museum of Science
and Industry (OMSI) and they had a thing called "OMSI RT" on their
system. It was an RT-11 run time system (RTS) under RSTS. They were
selling V1A for $2350 a copy (I still have a copy of the on-line help
file giving the information).
The product ran the Fortran compiler, MACRO, Pascal, etc., as the
later RT-11 environment from DEC did. OMSI RT claimed compatibility
with RT-11 V2 and also required a DEC binary license for both RSTS
(V5B or later) and RT (V2)
My question is: did DEC buy this from OMSI to (improve?) and include
in RSTS or was the DEC RT-11 environment created some other way
(either developed in-house or purchased from someone else)? Does
anyone know the origins of the RT-11 emulation under RSTS?
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