schoedel at wrote:
> > >
Pfft. Both are for clueless newbies. The only editor is TECO.
Of course vi is functionally similar to TECO, with the same "[count] command
[argument ESC]" syntax; merely a few of the command names are different (It's
those emacs guys that strayed far from the true path). Plus you get regular
Just realized I had to make another comment on this.
In TECO, the number before a command is not generally a count, but an
argument. Some commands use that as a count, while others use it for all
kind of stuff. It all depends on what makes most sense for the specific
command. If you really want a repeat, you'd better create a loop instead.
And in general, you don't have any arguments after a command, with a few
exceptions. So normally you just stack letters together, and they are
all separate commands.
(The commands that take an argument after the command that I can think
of are I (for insert, which inserts everything after the I, unless you
give a numeric argument, in which case it inserts the corresponding
byte) and O (for branching in a program, which takes a label string).
Oh, and all commands related to q-registers take the q-registername
after the command. (Hmm, there are probably one or two more, but I can't
remember them right now.)
Johnny Billquist || "I'm on a bus
|| on a psychedelic trip
email: bqt at || Reading murder books
pdp is alive! || tryin' to stay hip" - B. Idol