Hi Susan,
This isn't a web page it's a mailing list. Your message went out to several
hundred people.
The 88140xC tapes are used a number of HP tape drives and also in some combination hard
drive/tape drive units. They should be useable in non-HP machines but they'd have to
be reformatted (and non-formatted tapes are plentiful so why boather). Most systems can
format their own tapes but the HPs can not. Note that standard tapes can't be used in
the HPs since they have to be factory formatted. The tapes from HP come in two lengths;
the 88140SC is the short one and it holds 15 MB, the 88140LC is the long one and it holds
60 Mb. FWIW I have about ten boxs of the tapes, want to buy some more? :-)
what to do with them or how to market them?
Post them on this list, post them at the HP Calculator Museum ad page, the various HP
news-groups or E-bay.
At 01:54 PM 5/11/02 -0700, you wrote:
While doing a Google search i found your page. Am looking to find
information on HP 88140C 16 track tape cartridges for the HP 9144. Can
they be used for anything else? Do they have a market other than the
9144 as I have a box of Sealed 5 x 600ft tapes and don't quite know
what to do with them or how to market them? Any ideas would be appreciated!
Susan Gonzales'
Compro Data Networks
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