Would anyone have a pdf of the user manual for the hp 82321A Viper card?
also does anyone know when doing an extended test at boot up is it =
to get the following errors CRT Alpha Failed Memory failed @ 00512001
Missing Keyboard I am using the 6.2 basic from the hp musuem in =
I don't know this board (and I don't have any manuals), but IIRC, this is
basically and HP9000/200 on an ISA card to run HP Technical BASIC, etc,
on a PC.
In general if an HP product gives an error, then there's something wrong.
On a real 9000/200, the first message means the read/write test on the
text video mmeory failed (these machines have spearate memory for the
text display (ascii code + attributes, with a hardware ROM to turn that
into character patterns) and grpahics (bitmapped on mono machines, one
pixel per yte on the 9836C colour machine). The second error means that
tests on the keyboard controller (in the real 9000 an 8041 or 8042) failed.
I assuem that with the Viper card, the keyboard and screen accesses are
somehow translated to accesses to the PC equivalent devices.
My first question is : what PC are you using and what graphics board.
It's possible this thing assumes the use of a particular graphics
display, and/or a real HP PC., and that 'compatible' machines don't work.