I sent Tom a machine readable copy of the 6502 a couple of years
back. He later got another copy from someone else and creditted
them with supplying him the data. I guess he needs yet another
copy. I wonder if he is getting a little forgetful and losing
I have it someplace and can get it to you or him. It'll take
me a day or to to find it. If after a couple days, I don't
get back, remind me. I'm working on a couple of other projects
that have higher priority.
From: "Bob Applegate"
I'm trying to resurrect a copy of Tom Pittman's 6502 Tiny Basic. Tom has paper
tapes of
the binaries, and was willing to send me one in
exchange for reading the tape
and sending
him back some sort of machine-readable version of the
contents. Not having a
paper tape
reader, this would be a long, dragged-out process of my
manually converting the
tape to binary by hand.
Is there anyone in the US that could do this for Tom? He might be happy just
have the
binary version (or the raw text) emailed to him.
If you can help, please let me know.