On Dec 10, 2012, at 10:08 AM, Eric Smith wrote:
David Riley wrote [about the Samsung Syncmaster
Unrelated: I have that exact monitor as my
auxiliary monitor in a dual-head setup because it developed quite a few "dead"
columns where either the red, green or blue is stuck at max. There are more every year; I
think I'm probably up to about 20 now. Do you have a similar problem? I'm
wondering if it's endemic to the monitor. - Dave
I haven't used the 213T in about nine months now, but the last time I did, I
didn't notice any stuck pixels. I have an early Panasonic AL-D40 LCD monitor (14
inch, 1024x768, grey market import before LCD monitors were marketed in US, later
OEM'd by HP as D5060A), which came with one blue pixel stuck on, but it didn't
develop more.
The curious bit about this one for me is that it's stuck *columns*,
which I haven't seen before. My assumption is that some flex cable
which attaches directly to the panel for the column drivers is
developing bubbles somewhere, but since I'm not doing much aside
from text editing on that monitor, I don't care
enough to look.
Anyway, I'm thread hijacking and it's not all that important, I was
just wondering if anyone had run into the same thing.
- Dave