I found I sent this email to Sam instead of mailing to the listserver so
I am just reposting in case anyone is interested.
Now you did it, I had to go back and look at all the
stuff again, darn
:). Everything below has the Aquarius name and logo on it. The
printer turned out to be Radofin Electronics. This is actually what
came in the lot: Prices are from the Crimac, Inc. Aquarius Order form
before the discount. The only date is on the order form and states
10% can be deducted if mailed by January 31, 1985. The prices are
that flyer as obtained from a copy of the original order. The next
flyer from Crimac showed a price increase of about 20%. Pricing is
qualified when the model number on the box did not match the order.
Mattel Electronics Aquarius
Ser # RH0115319
Model # 5931
Missing original box and packaging, but has docs
No Price listed
Mattel Electronics Data Recorder Ser # RH000151
Added label - Mattel Electronics, Mfg by Radofin
Model # 4394
Price - $31.95 for Model # 4394R
Mattel Electronics Mini Expander Ser # RH0109348
Model # 4063
Price - $43.95 for Model # 4063R
Radofin Electronics 4-Color Printer Ser # RH0500203
No indication of mfg on printer, only Radofin on box
Missing printer cable
Model # 4615R
Price - $109.00
Mattel Electronics Space Speller Cartridge
Only Mattel label on box is "(c) Mattel Electronics, Inc. 1983"
Model # GMN0014
Price - $19.95 for Model 4682R
Mattel Electonics FileForm Cartridge
Model # 4177
Price - $29.95 for Model 4177R
Radofin Electronics 32K Memory Module
Model # 4217R
Price - $74.95