If it works, I have seen systems go for about $700 on e-pay. I have a
few of them that work and I would be glad to that price for one.
There was one on e-bay that went for much more, but it had lots of
documentation and an In-Circuit Emulator, as I recall.
On another subject, do you think there are some salvageable parts on yours?
Good luck with the insurance.
David Griffith said the following on 10/1/2007 9:16 PM:
As I was driving north from the Los Angeles area with,
among other things,
an Intel MDS 225, I was struck from the rear by someone who was driving on
a suspended license. I'm fine, but the MSD appears to have been
destroyed. Picture rolling one down a steep staircase. So, to get a
figure on how much monetary damage was done, I'd like some help. What's a
guestimate of the value of an Intel MDS with integral CRT and 8-inch
floppy drive? If you want one, how much would you be willing to spend?
If you have one, how much would you want to sell it?