Okay, well I was told that my original images zipped up on the PC
side lost the resource forks and other nuances of the Mac Disks with
which they were written to originally...
So, I went back to the Powermac, it creaked and moaned a bit due to
some battery issues and corrupted HD, after a reinstall of OS 8.1 (7.5.3
just didn't want to cooperate today, though I did finally did take all
of the 19 damned disk images and make an Install CD image of it all
finally) I got the Mac back up and running... I know, I know... Mac's
after OS 7.6 can't read 400K diskettes... WRONG! They can, but with
a little help from a wonderful utility I found on
macgarden.org called
Diskdup + 2.9.2 (the earlier 1.3.2 does NOT work)...
Read all of the disks in perfectly, even allows you to save them in
its diskdup format or in Apple diskcopy format... So I saved them in
both, plus I made SEA images as well just for good measure. Its late,
I'm tired, and I need to catch up with some CPLD design work I'm doing,
so this wonderful side project was a great diversion for a couple of
days, but back to work... I will revisit my Corvus website in a week or
so, make the needed clean up and link changes, plus add in some great
photo's of a killer Concept setup sent to my by a former Corvus
engineer... so I'll be working on the Corvus site more in a week or
so... in the meantime: