Al Kossow wrote:
The cables are straight through 50 pin ribbons. IDC
edge connector on
one end
(same as 8" floppy connectors) and .1" socket on the other. I've seen
flat used on short runs and "twist and flat" 25 pair used on longer
runs. 6'
or so should be fine with the standard flat grey stuff. The coupler
limit the length to 25'
I had a set that worked of flat with a copper shield that worked that was
50' long, but only for a 25 ips drive. (Pertec). I had some made by
Pertec for their 7000 series drives that were 25' long as Al described,
that had no shield.
I never observed a difference between the ribbon cable or the braided
ones at 25 to 75 ips. I never had to run a long run with a Cipher, which
was the main drive I ran a 100ips, as all I had the luck to work with were
in the cabinets with the systems, and long cables (over 20' or so) were
not necessary.