A guy writes to me:
"I have several, Wyse 325 and Wyse 60 terminals. ?The great majority of them
work fine as many were taken straight from work stations that converted to
"I also have Frame relay networking equipment including routers and DSU
units. ?Again, mostly working units. ?I also have several componets to a
large R50 AIX computer server. ?They include power supplies, hard drives,
expansion cards, processor boards and many other things."
He's just looking to get rid of it. I'm looking for scrap, and maybe to make
a buck or three. If any of this stuff is of interest contact me offlist and
we'll put something together.
Member of the toughest, meanest, deadliest, most unrelenting -- and
ablest -- form of life in this section of space, a critter that can
be killed but can't be tamed. --Robert A. Heinlein, "The Puppet Masters"
Information is more dangerous than cannon to a society ruled by lies. --James
M Dakin
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