I'm leaning toward the idea of offloading my Plus/4 as it's sat in the attic
for years and I've never got around to *doing* anything with it. :-(
I have a service manual for the Plus/4 somewhere, but from what I
remember it's scheamtics and parts lists, with no details on the
internals of the keyboard.
It works, but some of the keys are a bit sluggish - are there any gotchas
involved in dismantling the keyboard in order to give contacts a clean? (I
just want to check I'm not going to be faced with tiny springs going every
which way if I unscrew the backplate :-)
If it's like every other CBM keyboard I've worked on, there are no
problems. You may have to desolder wires from any latching keys (Shift
Lock or whatever), but that's fairly obvious.
Also, am I right in thinking that the tape unit was an optional extra? I don't
I think so. IIRC, the signals are the same as the ones for, say ,a C64
tape unuit, jsut a different connecotr. It should eb possible to make
some kind of adapter.