On Apr 26, 2016, at 10:26 AM, Mattis Lind
<mattislind at gmail.com> wrote:
2016-04-26 3:45 GMT+02:00 Ken Seefried <seefriek at gmail.com>:
Is there an equivalent to the DSV11 for Unibus?
Or other quick Unibus
sync serial that my Google-fu isn't good enough to find? The DMC11
looks like it can do 56Kbps over V.35, which is better than the
19.2kbps on the DMF32, but it would be useful to be able to push to
256Kbps (or faster). I'm particularly interested in doing HDLC.
Seems to be able to do 500 kbit/s full duplex and 1 Mbit/s half duplex. It
consists of two cards M8203 and M8207. I have a few that I cannot find any
use for...
DMP11 does DDCMP. If you want HDLC, options are more limited. The obvious question is
"why HDLC?"
HDLC is ok so far as it goes, but DDCMP is superior in every respect. The only reason to
use HDLC is that you need to talk something that can't be made to speak DDCMP.