-------- Original message --------
From: Brent Hilpert <hilpert at cs.ubc.ca>
Date: 2016-10-07 8:46 PM (GMT-08:00)
To: "General Discussion: On-Topic and Off-Topic Posts" <cctalk at
Subject: Re: Twiggys [was: Re: ka... ching!]
On 2016-Oct-07, at 5:17 PM, Noel Chiappa wrote:
On 10/7/2016
5:21 PM, Chuck Guzis wrote:
That simply defies logic. I *really* don't
get this collecting business.
It's Apple-related. Some Apple devotees seem to have an, ah, excessive
attachment to things Apple. (Q.v. $1M Apple I's.) I'm suprised that some of
them didn't commit suttee when Steve died.
I agree this valuation is primarily "Apple"-driven rather than say
"vintage-computer" driven,
but here's an interesting non-Apple sale, just completed:
And yet the untouched original Mark-8 boards I bought only went for $1500. ?I don't
get it.