Okay... Before this degrades into a major thread of
how badly AMF fubar'd
Harley Davidson, I'm going to declare a winner as seen in the following:
At 10:28 AM 10/26/1999 -0700, ss(a) wrote:
>My guess:
> The "how to bowl this time" computer...the thing that determined
> where to light up the "arrow" that suggested the best way to
> make the spare.
I bowled a lot in the 60s/70s, and always wondered how that worked.
computation was complete, the solution was relayed
back to the smaller
chassis (called the "ball path indicator") where it was latched for
display, thus freeing up the main computer to service requests from other
pretty sophisticated!
I thought I had a picture of one in operation, but I
can't put my hands on
it right at the moment, and it would take sometime to wire the computer up
just for this occasion... So, perhaps later...
I'd argue this is a good chance to build an indoor bowling alley, to test it! :)
And now... the identity of this outings infamous
'no prize' (if indeed the
lucky winner wishes to claim it!) A slightly (ok, very) used, actual, for
real, AMF Bowling Pin! To claim it, drop me a note (off list) with your
I'll claim it! I've always wanted one! Ironically, that's the closest
I'll come to
bowling for right (bowling) arm is in a sling for a couple of
weeks (shoulder separation).
Stan Sieler
Allegro Consultants, Inc.
20700 Valley Green Dr.
Cupertino, Ca 95014
Stan (typing one handed for awhile) Sieler sieler(a)