Ok, its 4 months short of its 10th birthday but close enough. Work
has a Stardent 1500/3000 Titan? computer they will be getting rid of.
The machine did run when last powered on within the last year and comes
with manuals (OS and programming, not much hardware) and backup tapes.
It runs Unix. From what I understand it was for its time a "super mini"
with good graphics capability. I haven't used it so am not too familiar
with it.
The machine is in a 4 foot rack and takes up a good portion of it so pickup
in Gaithersburg MD is the best option if you want it. Anybody who offers
PDP-8 stuff for my collection gets it otherwise probably free to whoever can
take it. At this point work is saying they want to free the space but hasn't
actually decided to get rid of it, verified it has no resale value etc.
If you are interested let me know and I will let you know when work finishes
the process.
David Gesswein
http://www.pdp8.net/ -- Old computers with blinken lights