Interdata / PE / Concurrent - which I think recently was bought by yet another company -
is only a few miles away from the museum where we hold VCF East. Haven't picked a
date yet for 2008, but if there's interest then we can probably get a lecture from our
contact there. They donated a bunch of hardware to us.
-----Original Message-----
From: jim s <jwstephens at>
Subj: Interesting search on Flickr (really it is on topic)
Date: Sun Jan 20, 2008 7:37 am
Size: 638 bytes
To: "'cctalk at'" <cctalk at>
I didn't realize I had a lot of time to kill tonight and put in
"interdata" into's search. It hits photos taken at a 2005
reunion which apparently was for Interdata, Perkin Elmer, and
Concurrent ex employees.
Probably from someone on this list, though the name didn't ring a bell.
I won't post it here for privacy's sake in case the people who are
mentioned would like not to be spammed.
There are some nice photos of vintage equipment in the pile, which leads
to other photo collections ...
I have seen others mention lists for Dec equipment as well, but had not
seen Interdata mentioned or searched for.
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