Date: Mon, 11 Dec 2000 18:39:07 +0000 (GMT)
From: ard(a) (Tony Duell)
Subject: Re: Fw: Professors worry that engineering students
don't tinker
involved). You started out making a crystal set, then added a single
audio stage (OC71), then a second stage (another OC71), then added a
loudspeaker (using an LT700 output transformer). And finally
you replaced
the crystal detector with the OC45 regenerative stage.
I think the book is still around, even if the transistors are hard to
find now. I remember the son of a technician at a place I was
working a
few years back was building one -- I managed to find him some OC71s.
I thought just about all UK hobbyists built this at one time
or another...
Nope - I had (and still have) my Radio Shack crystal radio kit to tinker
with, followed by one of the Science Fair electronics kits where you had
loads of spring terminals and small jumper wires to build circuits
with......I found it the other day and it was dated 1973 :)
adrian/witchy - the Online Computer Museum