On Tue, 28 Nov 2000, John Foust wrote:
At 09:33 PM 11/27/00 -0500, Louis Schulman
Does someone have the software. I have downloaded
the two
.hqx files, but they are password protected. Doh! Anyone
know how to crack password protection on an .hqx file?
Passwords on BinHex files? I've never heard of that.
BinHex is similar to 'uuencode', just a binary to ASCII
conversion. How did you attempt to open them?
John, the 'q' in the extension suggests a 'squeezed' file, and
while I am not aware of a password scheme for squeeze programs,
that does not prove that there were not some.
Louis, I would take a crack at it with the Carson Wilson program
CFX and see what it does.
I was able to use "Stuffit Password Remover" to get into the
original un-binhexed file. Unfortunately, it turned out NOT
to be DaynaFile 3.1 as labeled, but was actually SuperVideo
Luckily I found my original DaynaFile disks. If anyone else
has an orphaned DaynaFile-II, let me know, and I'll spin you
a copy.