Date: Fri, 16 Nov 2007 20:32:47 -0800
From: "Chuck Guzis" <cclist at>
Subject: Re: Commodore PET first shipemnt in mid October 1977.
I've still got a National Semiconductor LCD watch,
but the guts are
rotted out from perspiration leaking into the case. On the other
hand, the Seiko self-winder I purchased the year before still works
just fine.
You do mean L*C*D, right? Too bad, I've still got some National L*E*D
watch modules somewhere.
I sometimes wonder if we'll have any operating
30-year old cell
Last time I looked, people were still buying & selling analog phones, so
I suspect that in some parts of the world analog may be around for a
while yet; wanna buy a dozen or so, cheap? Have I got a deal for you...
I've got an old Motorola mobile phone that sits in the trunk, nice Contempra (?)
handset with a number display; does that count?