LisaEm 1.2.2 has been released. As usual, it can be downloaded from This version is mostly bug
fixes instead of features.
VIA and printing bugs have been addressed, as well as cleaning up the
code to allow compiling with Unicode enabled versions of wxWidgets,
which is important for Linux distributions, and the version of wxWidgets
included with OS X Leopard.
It is no longer necessary to manually flush print jobs, though you still
can. LisaEm now times printer output. If there's no activity to a
printer for 10* seconds, it will close the print job. If you are
sending LisaEm printouts to a PDF or PostScript file, it is still
important not to print out several jobs from within Lisa Office System
at the same time as LisaEm will see them as a single large job. (This
doesn't matter if you're printing to paper, or images.)
There are still some minor bugs in the ImageWriter emulation - the page
size isn't quite exactly what LOS expects it to be, so multipage jobs
tend to move the start of the page by several pixels.
I'm also cleaning up the Generator CPU code so that it can become its
own library, and will do the same for the ImageWriter code so that they,
along with libdc42 can be used in other emulation projects (i.e. for
example by Apple II, or Macintosh emulators.)
Other bugs may still, of course, exist, if you find any, please let me
know so that they can be fixed in future releases.
(* The 10 second value is relative to running the virtual Lisa at 5MHz,
running it at higher throttle values will speed up the waiting time.)
Lisa Emulator Change History
--- 1.2.2 Release
2007.11.11 - changed printing so that it auto-flushes print jobs. Printing
works but the page size is slightly off so it tends to not line
up properly when more than one page is printed.
2007.11.10 - cleaning up script + source code
2007.11.08 - fixed slot preferences - browse buttons between high/low ports
were swapped.
- fixed parallel port u/l assignments - opposite from what
LOS uses
2007.11.02 - more via6522.c cleanup/fixes.
2007.10.18 - Renamed Profile menu to Parallel Port as it's more accurate
2007.10.15 - cleaning up Generator code so as to build it as its own library
2007.10.01 - looking into cleaning up unicode incompatibility bugs, rewrote
bunches and bunches of string routines and fixed up some
char * <-> wxString gymnastics.
2007.09.25 - Looking into via6522 bugs for MacWorks and Xenix,
no luck there yet
If you'd like to support this project, you can do so by sending me
something from my Amazon wish list. (Used books and DVD's are perfectly
fine with me.) The trains are for my kid. :)