Of the nine variants of KED developed by DEC, it seems
doubtful that either K52 or K62 are in use at this point.
I have mentioned in the past that a new variant, K42, which
now supports a VT420 with 48 lines is available. Inspection
of the code for K42 suggests that improvements can be made
with respect to the allocation of memory. In particular, while
K42.SAV is LINKed to execute under an Unmapped RT-11
Monitor, for versions of RT-11 which include VBGEXE, virtual
memory can be used under a Mapped Monitor. These same
improvements to K42 can also be added to K52 and K62 so
that if these variants are executed under a Mapped Monitor,
more efficient use can be made of the available memory. One
of the improvements can be an increase in the size of the cut
and paste buffer.
If no one still uses a VT52 or a VT62 terminal, then there does
not seem to be any point to including these improvements in
K52 and K62. Please respond if there is any interest to actually
use K52 or K62 under a Mapped RT-11 Monitor.
Jerome Fine
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