On Jul 19, 8:52, Jarkko Teppo wrote:
[ NeXT documentation ]
If you install the whole shebang (at least on 3.3) you
get the
library in (I don't remember)
/NextLibrary/something. It doesn't matter
because the bookshelf-files are in /NextLibrary/BookShelves/. Just double
click on SysAdmin.bshlf.
Thanks, I'll look tonight.
Man-pages on niload and nidump might help too.
Honestly, I never
how to do it so I just improvise and create a
local NI hierarchy and
use DNS for name resolution.
I read them, and realised they didn't tell me enough, mainly because I
don't understand the rest of it.
niload is just a helper for loading text-based configuration files into
the NetInfo DB. nidump does the same in reverse.
I got that far from the man pages, but I need to know which files they
handle and what to turn them into for a single NeXT (in a sea of UNIX
That looks useful. Thanks!
No, NIS is
*never* an option ;-)
Heh :) I'm sometimes ready to put NI into same category but that's
probably just because I have one (or two, if you count white boxes)
NeXT(s). NI would probably kick ass in an installation with something
like 100 machines.
Except that it breaks one of the golden UNIX rules; keep the config
information human-readable.
I must admit that NetInfo can be quite confusing and I
can screw up a
machine pretty easily with it.
I did that too :-) By following the obvious option in the setup and
telling the machine it should use the network. I didn't realise what I was
telling it to use the network *for* :-)
Pete Peter Turnbull
Network Manager
University of York