weekend acquisition is a Fujitsu M2284 SMD drive (14" platters
under a transparent cover, what's not to love?). It's in good shape and
was properly locked down for shipping so there's a good chance it'll
still work with some coaxing. I'm missing the power supply, however. I
believe this is the Fujitsu Denso B14L-0300-0018A. Anyone have one
going spare, in any condition?
If this is the same drive as the Sun 1's, I actually have 2 spares right
this min.
(I am waiting to find out about someone locally who has some Fujitsu drives,
which I haven't gotten model #'s from, but from description sound similar...
so was keeping them for those drives... )
Mine are NOS, were spares from someone who used to do field engineering
repairs on early Sun equipment.
I might be persuaded to part with one, contact me off line..