-----Original Message-----
From: William Donzelli [mailto:aw288@osfn.org]
Clipper based, and pre-clipper (were they
VAX?) Intergraph
> systems.
The early big servers were VAX based. In fact, they
were mostly just
rebadged. RCS/RI has an Intergraph VAX 8550. It has some
really strange
custom hardware in the disk controllers - something about
these things
could do searches thru files on the disks for specific
graphics entities
(for CAD) without bothering the processor. Odd.
"Really-strange-custom-hardware" was Intergraph's middle name for the
longest time. That's what makes their systems so interesting.
> There's one CDC workstation that was a
re-badged Indigo, that's
> relatively common. It's the only CDC system I've seen for sale.
CDC was rebadging IRIS 3000 machines as Cyber 910s.
*Really*? What are my chances of finding one? I'd love to have an IRIS
3000, if I found that I could fit it in the house. :) Did they run the
early versions of IRIX?
Christopher Smith, Perl Developer
Amdocs - Champaign, IL
/usr/bin/perl -e '
print((~"\x95\xc4\xe3"^"Just Another Perl