(this is a resend of prior reply with no subject)
Jochen Kunz (jkunz at unixag-kl.fh-kl.de) wrote:
The small desktop 3000-300 machines use PS/2 RAM. The
large desktop and
tower machines like 3000-500 / -600 use proprietary SIMMs.
I used to have a dec 3000-800, nice machine. Wish I'd kept it when I moved.
IIRC, the proprietary simms were used on a 256 bit wide memory path, so that
series had pretty zippy memory for it's time, much faster than the 3000-300
machines (if you could find the propietary memory). And the bigger machines
used more power.
Found a good listing of the dec 3000 machines here:
Short version:
small low-end machines (used 72pin parity simms) were:
* DEC 3000/300
* DEC 3000/300L
* DEC 3000/300X
* DEC 3000/300LX
high-end machines (used propietary simms) were:
* DEC 3000/400
* DEC 3000/500
* DEC 3000/600
* DEC 3000/700
* DEC 3000/800
* DEC 3000/900
Jeff Davis