On 16 Apr 1999, Philip.Belben(a)pgen.com wrote:
] (I have somewhere a Yugoslavian banknote. Everything is written on it in four
] local languages - two using Cyrillic and two using Latin characters. The
] languages are similar enough that AFAIK nothing needs to be said more than
] three times...)
Take a look an Indian rupee sometime. Each note is printed in eleven
languages, each with its own script. (Though to me, two or three look
pretty darn similar to Hindi.)
To try and drag this back to a somewhat related topic, we often hear
about computers from North America, Europe, Russia, and Australia. But
is anyone here collecting machines from any more "exotic" places? Are
there any cool classic machines indiginous to any country from the
Middle East, Africa, South America, or South or East Asia?
It would be nifty to compare architectures that were not just clones
or incremental improvements of machines we already know about.
Heck, I know Japan produced a lot of their own computers. Were they
all clones of machines we know (or vice-versa)?
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