Guys, don't confuse "rare" with "more historic".
"Rare" just means
"fewer". If the people at Tandy produced a limited-edition TRS-80, and
the only difference was it had a yellow polka-dot case design, and only
100 were ever made, does that mean it's more "rare" than a Straight-8?
Technically, yes! Does that make it more historic? It's too dumb a
question to even ask.
Oh, I agree with you totally. But I interpretted the original message as
saying that a straight-8 should seel for more than an Apple 1 becuase
it's rarer. I am simply arguing that rarity is not the major factor in
determining price (and nor, IMHO should it be).
One thing that certainly doesn't correlate with price is quality (either
design quality of build quality). This is obvious from the fact that a
Sinclair ZX80 will sell for a lot more than a contemporary HP machine...
(I'm not putting down the PERQ systems, etc.; those are certainly
historic in their own regard.)
Actually, nrither of those PERQs is particulalry historic. Th PERQ 2T4 is
the last of the classic PERQs, and the only one with a 24 bit (rather
than 20 bit) processor. The AGW3300 is an ICL-designed 68020 unix box,
albeit one with a curious graphics procesosr (a pair of 29116s, one to
calculate adresses, the other to update the bitmap data). I would claim
the really historic PERQ is the original PERQ 1 (with a 4K WCS CPU),
since that was the _first_. Mine is upstairs... It's not a particularly
rare machine
And yes, DEC isn't as popular as Apple; there won't be millions of DEC
fanboys and stuff ......
But it's hard to argue that the Straight-8 isn't one of the most *
historic * systems ever made, re: historic = grand context and
importance to the history of the computer industry. Rarity is a big
factor too, but the '8 has it all. Historic, rare, desirable.
I won't argue about the 'historic' or 'rare', but is it particularly
desirable (for reasons other than being historic and rare)? I would have
thought a later PDP8 machine, such ad a PDP8/e was more desirable
technically (it can take more memory, it uses more common logic levels,
there are more peripherals for it (and they're easier to find), it uses
TTL logic levels (so it's easier to make your own interfaces, and so on).