why on earth should center punches be illegal? I
don't carry one
routinely, but if I'm going somewhere that I expect to need one,
I carry it.
Yeah, what's the thinking behind that?
Because they can be used to break car windows quickly, cleanly, and
quietly. They are popular with car thieves. (much as dent pullers can be
used to yank out the ignition switch).
If you have just a center punch on you (or one with a bunch of other
tools), you likely won't have an issue... on the other hand, if you are
walking around the streets at night, have a center punch, dent puller,
screw driver, and pliers... you best be on your way to hot wire your OWN
car, of you will probably find yourself with a bunch of explaining to do.
Centre punch, cordless drill,
Citroen Special tool BFH-14 (Big, um, *Friendly* Hammer, 14lb),
boltcutters, hacksaws, sockets, spanners, screwdrivers, that kind of
stuff. If I was insane enough to move to New Jersey, I suspect the
police would have a field day.
Nope, they would ignore it all. Unless when asked why you had it, you
started to stammer for a reason, and they thought you were only on your
way to steal a bunch of cars. (Probably just about every contractor van
in the state has a similar set of tools in it, along with all the people
that use their personal cars to transport their tools from job site to
job site).
(I was asked about a small crossbow gun in my back seat once... I
explained that I use it to run wires extended distances thru drop
ceilings... the cop looked at the two tool bags, spool of string, and
spools of phone cable also on my back seat, and went back to yelling at
me for doing 65 in a 25 zone... btw: the crossbow worked like crap to run
cable, I don't recommend it for others, it was a failed experiment).