I can keep my eyes out. Let me know offline what you
are looking for and I'll
beat the bushes. Older Sony monitors are much easier to find than anything
else, of course, and weigh a ton.
I don't want to have to ship one, and now that I've got the IBM P200 sitting
next to my Viewsonic P815, I don't really have room.
I do not know much about any other 13W3 monitors,
except that SGI also has
their own 13W3 pinout, but you can make a swabber.
I thought SGI and Sun used the same pinout.
Get the
Ancient UNIX License, IIRC, the PUPS archive has Ultrix-32.
Remember though, it's a VAX, it *SHOULD* be running OpenVMS!!!
What versions? I have distro kits for lots of VAX Ultrix releases in the
1986 - 1994 timeframe. Mostly on 16MT9, but a couple of TK50s. I'd be
OK, I just dug around to figure out what they've got up. It's odd, I could
have sworn they had stuff newer than V1.2! Geez, this is stuff I've
actually got the doc's for. I might have to setup a system running it
Ultrix-32M V1.0 BIN; 1984
2 RX50 images; format unknown
Ultrix-32M V1.0 D-SOFTWARE; 1984
13 RX50 images; tar
Ultrix-32M V1.2 BIN ACCOUNTING; 1985
1 RX50 image; tar
Ultrix-32M V1.2 BIN; 1986
4 RX50 images; tar
looks like kernel sources only
Ultrix-32M V1.2 BIN; 1986
1 RX50 image; tar
looks like field-service exercisers
Ultrix-32M V1.2 BIN COMMUNICATIONS; 1985
5 RX50 images; tar
Ultrix-32M V1.2 BIN FORTRAN; 1985
1 RX50 image; tar
Ultrix-32M V1.2 BIN FILTERS; 1985
1 RX50 image; tar
Ultrix-32M V1.2 BIN PROGRAMMER; 1985
4 RX50 images; tar
RX50 4/4 is mis-labelled EXERCISER but contains what is
pretty clearly PROGRAMMER contents (libc_p libplot libtermcap ...)
Ultrix-32M V1.2 BIN PASCAL; 1985
2 RX50 images; tar
Ultrix-32M V1.2 BIN SCCS; 1985
2 RX50 images; tar
Ultrix-32M V1.2 BIN WRITERS; 1985
2 RX50 images; tar
DECNET-Ultrix V1.1 BIN; 1986
3 RX50 images; tar
Looks like they also have the following BSD stuff:
-r--r--r-- 1 pups archive 6744143 Jul 24 1997 3bsd.tar.gz
drwxr-xr-x 3 1011 archive 512 Jun 27 2000 4.2BSD
drwxr-xr-x 2 1011 archive 512 Jun 27 2000 4.3BSD
drwxr-xr-x 2 1011 archive 512 Jun 27 2000 4.3BSD-Quasijarus0
drwxr-xr-x 2 1011 archive 512 Jun 27 2000 4.3BSD-Quasijarus0a
drwxr-xr-x 2 1011 archive 512 Jun 27 2000 4.3BSD-Reno
drwxr-xr-x 2 1011 archive 512 Jun 27 2000 4.3BSD-Rev2-Foreign
drwxr-xr-x 2 1011 archive 512 Jun 27 2000 4.3BSD-Tahoe
drwxr-xr-x 2 1011 archive 512 Jun 27 2000 4.4BSD-Alpha
drwxr-xr-x 3 pups archive 512 Jun 27 2000 Misc
drwxr-xr-x 2 1011 archive 512 Jun 27 2000 Net2
-rw-r--r-- 1 1011 archive 2042 Oct 10 1999 WELCOME
drwxr-xr-x 3 1011 archive 512 Jun 27 2000 components
drwxr-xr-x 2 1011 archive 512 Jun 27 2000 odds-ends
drwxr-xr-x 3 1011 archive 512 Jun 27 2000 thirdparty
drwxr-xr-x 2 1011 archive 512 Jun 27 2000 tips