Patrick wrote....
There's a guy with a 3 DECwriter II/IIIs at
the Ft. Wayne (IN, US)
hamfest, asking for someone to haul them away for free.
Find info on
the hamfest from
If intersted, go there and pick them up on Sunday. The guy is just
looking for a good home for them, he said he'll leave them
there if no
one wants them.
If no one picks them up and they are left to get scrapped,
I'd love the print heads out of them as spares for my DECwriter.
I went up there this morning and picked up the one LA36 DECwriter II he had.
He also had two DECwriter III's, one DEC marked and another with a reseller
name plate. I didn't have room in my car for another and didn't want to take
them all anyway in case someone else was traveling for one. Then I found out
he is on the other side of Indianapolis from me so I asked him, if no one
came for the DEC marked III, if he would bring it back with him and I would
pick it up from his shop.
The hamfest ended at 3pm and I haven't heard from him yet. Might know more
Jon Miles