On 6/6/07, Bill Pechter <pechter at gmail.com> wrote:
On 6/6/07, Jules Richardson <julesrichardsonuk at
yahoo.co.uk> wrote:
> ... did DEC... ever produce a reference listing of DEC "parts codes"
> function (e.g. RK05 = removable disk, KL11 = serial interface etc.)
I've never seen one... From memory,
R"x" -- Rotating Memory Device or Controller (RA, RB, RC, RD, RF, RK, RL,
T"x" -- Tape drive (either Reel-to-Reel or cassette or dectape dvc or
controller) TA, TC, TD, TM, TU, TE, TS,
D"x" -- Communication or other interconnect device -- DL, DU, DM, DN, DS,
K"b" -- CPU component or functional part KA, KB, KC,
DD followed by something is a backplane option
More so with interfaces than external periperals (which might work on
multiple types of CPUs), there's Q or V for Qbus (RQDX3), U for Unibus
(UDA50), B for VAXBI (DWBUA, KDB50), 8 for PDP-8 (RL8A), 11 for PDP-11
(DUP11), 10 for PDP-10, etc., but there are plenty of oddball devices
that don't exactly follow the pattern (KDA50 for Qbus, for example, or
DMF32 which doesn't trumpet that it's for the Unibus, but then many
Unibus devices lack a "U" when there's no Qbus equivalent to
disambiguate it from).
It doesn't help you to decipher exactly what goes with what, or what
capacities, etc. (as in, an RK05 is a disk (R) with removable platters
(K and others), and 5th in a line (from the RK01 through the RK07.
You wouldn't know from that breakdown that RK05 and RK06 disk packs
have different numbers of platters (vs, say, the RL01 and RL02 which
are identical in shape, but differ only in low-level format), but you
can at least tell something about the device. To continue, the RK05
might attach to your CPU with an RK11C, or RK11D or RKV11D or an
RK8E... each of those _does_ tell you something about what sort of
machine they attach to.
So there is a pattern, but it's not absolute, nor does it do more than
convey gross, general characteristics of the device. Still, I suppose
it's better than a random 4-digit number (*ducks the bricks being
thrown by the IBM crowd* ;-)