To get a MULTINET license, you need the VMS checksum.
For my version of VMS, there is no way that I know of to get the checksum
of VMS, I tried everything. I even dumped the license file to look
manually. I could see remains of MULTINET in there, but as far as I could
tell I could not see any checksum for anything installed in my system. I
am trying to get a working PAK for MUTLINET 4.1:
I guess by "get the checksum of VMS", you mean find the checksum that was used
to validate your current VMS license. It is possible to do this (I outlined
how to do it in an email to you a week or two ago) but this is not what you
want to do.
To get a MULTINET hobbyist license, you first need to get a VMS hobbyist
license from HP. It is the checksum you get when you receive the VMS license
that you use to apply for the MULTINET hobbyist license.
Process Software MultiNet V4.1 Rev A, MicroVAX
3100, VAX/VMS V5.5-2
First of all, for anyone interested I ran the following command in an
effort to fix a totally different problem (explaining *why* would not help
at this point):
Bad idea. Almost never a useful thing to do. Don't do that.
I had recorded everything I could, including what I thought was the license
key before I did this, with the thought I could just re-install. I
rebooted and since then I have not been able to get into multinet.
The next step would have been to run this command, but given multinet was
not working, I did *not* run
so MULTINET is still in the license database, at least I see it when I DUMP
the file. I am not sure if running @SYS$UPDATE:VMSLICENSE cleans the PAK
info out of the database after you delete the PAK from [???] somewhere.
$ @SYS$UPDATE:VMSLICENSE is just a command procedure for managing licenses.
It gives you a menu of license related tasks to choose from. It won't delete
anything unless you pick the DELETE option. Don't pick the DELETE option.
Great. So I went to the place to request a new checksum. Problem is they
want my VAX checksum first. I can't get that value, so I am stuck
They don't want the checksum of your existing VMS license. The want the
checksum you get when you get a hobbyist VMS license.
I tried commands
$ SHOW LICENSE [everything there is]
I can get an output, but CHECKSUM is not listed like it is mentioned here:…
Is there a way to HEX edit some kind of hack to trick the system into
thinking the license is OK? A bit to flip? Everything was working
perfectly before I ran that @#$%! delete command! multinet had a working
IP and FQDM and email was working, etc.
You don't need to do anything like that. (It is possible to get the checksum
for a license in your license database without resorting to hackery, but you
don't need THAT checksum. You need the checksum from a VMS hobbyist license.)
Peter Coghlan.