At 08:20 AM 12/8/00 -0500, Douglas Quebbeman wrote:
That's an odd-sized capacity... are these 5.25 inch
carts, or
3.25 inch carts? If the latter, are you sure they aren't 640MB
The company's drive case label says 600 although I've seen
similar units that claim 640. One 5 1/4 cart was included.
On the back of
the external SCSI box, there was a DIN-5 connector,
like a keyboard connector, that piqued my curiousity. Inside,
I saw that it was simply an external connector for 5 volt power.
What might have this been used for?
For a portable (i.e. 12-volt car accessory) power supply? In order
to use it with a portable/notebook/laptop?
The Quadra 950 must be the largest box Apple ever made, so
I don't think that was portable. :-) It hadn't occurred to
me that the power would be coming in - that's an interesting
possibility. What does a conventional power supply do when
it is off and power comes in the wrong way?
- John