Den m?n 30 sep. 2019 kl 15:37 skrev dwight <dkelvey at>:
Is it a switcher or an AC?
Good old transfomer. He could probably find something suitable if the specs
were known. Or replace it with switchers at least for testing the machine.
But still it would be great to know the specs.
A custom transformer is going to be quite expensive.
About the only way is
to cannibalize another machine.
*From:* cctalk <cctalk-bounces at> on behalf of Mattis Lind
via cctalk <cctalk at>
*Sent:* Sunday, September 29, 2019 11:44 PM
*To:* General Discussion: On-Topic and Off-Topic Posts <
cctalk at>
*Subject:* IBM 5110 transformer?
A friend of mine is trying to repair a IBM 5110. He is convinced that the
transformer is bad.
Anyone knows the spec of the transformer?
Someone that has a spare?
Looking into the tech documentation tell me that the machine requires +/-
5V and +/- 12 V and also +8.5V
A very rough guesstimate based on the number of wires from the PSU to the
backplane would give 20A 5V, 4A +12V, 4A +8.5V, 1A -5V and 1A -12V.
Anyone with a better guess?