-----Oorspronkelijk bericht-----
Van: cctalk-bounces at
classiccmp.org [mailto:cctalk-bounces at
Namens Brian L. Stuart
Verzonden: zondag 17 augustus 2014 21:43
Aan: General Discussion: On-Topic and Off-Topic Posts
Onderwerp: RE: Disk for HP 9825B
Opening the rom cartridge is a little tricky
it's holding together
through four rivets.
You need to heat them before they can be removed, there is a big
change you will damage the housing.
I saw one reference online to heating with a soldering iron with a little
prying the case apart. I'm hoping that taking the
heat off as soon as it
will prevent any damage.
But with some glue logic it should be possible to
read the rom with a
Are you thinking in terms of a way to do so without desoldering the ROM
If so, that would be great as I'm not looking
forward to that. But
tells me that the bank switching Tony mentioned will
pretty much require
me to
remove the chips from the board.
And I know at least three 98228A
ROM's, one in Australia one in the UK(London area) and one in the
Netherlands ;)
I can confirm there's one in the US too. However, it'll probably be at
least a few
weeks before I'll get a chance to make an attempt.
So if the owner of one
the others is in a position to read their's, that
would be great.
Be careful when you desolder the rom's they're NMOS and sensitive to ESD.