At 03:05 PM 12/21/00 -0700, Roger wrote:
I don't have much to say about your VAX pages,
but the PDP-5 stuff caught my eye. I foolishly allowed
a friend to dismantle one many years ago; all I got
out of the deal was the front panel. Mine doesn't have
those rectangular slots(?) over on the left side and
one of the switches is different (it's got a really
long handle on it); I forget which switch.
Its missing the "table" that extends in front of the panel.
It's my understanding that the modules the PDP-5
built out of are called System Modules. They predate
the flip-chip modules.
You are correct sir. They have a bowed metal rim around the top. The core
module is a third party affair surrounded by a few of them. The TTY
interface is in the bottom and consists of a row of system modules.