IIRC, QIC-02 uses handshaking; QIC-36 does not.
YEs. That's because QIC36 is a low-level 'raw' interfce, you're talking
to the read/write head almost directly (a bit like a floppy drive
interface), whereas QIC02 is a much higher level 'formatted' interface, a
it like SCSI.
The QIC36 ISA card I have in my junk box appaers
to be essentially a
QIC-02 host interfaxce and a QIC-02-to QIC36 bridge on the same PCB. I
keep it because the ASICs on the board are the same as those on a separate
QIC-02 to QIC36 bridge that I sometimes use with my PERQ, and thus the ISA
card is a source of spares...
The QIC-36 ISA cards I have are Wangteks--they use an 8085 and a fair
number of house-labeled ICs to do their dirty work. They're
I think mine is a Wangtek. I do rememebr the 8085, an EPROM and a small
SRAM as a data buffer. My boards both the ISA card and the
closely-related QIC02 to QIC36 bridge came with 6116s (2K RSRAM), it was
trivial to replace it witha 6264 (I think one link to change), which
reduced the 'washing machine' effect no end...
integrated units, though I suspect there's a fair
amount of shared
Oh ,ine is all on one PCB, but the circuitry looks (I do not have
schematics) to be a ISA-QIC02 interface and a QIC02-QIC36 bridge on the
same PCB. It may not be _exactly_ QIC02, but it's close. The ASICs are
the same as on the QIC02-QIC36 bridge I have, and I think the EPROM is
logic with the Wangtek QIC-36-to-02 controller, as it
also uses an
8085 and has some of the same house-labeled packages on it.
My QIC-02 cards are by Alliance Technology; nothing to write home
about--just some LSTTL logic and maybe a PAL for address decoding.
About what you'd expect--and apparently clones of the Wangtek PC-02.
That's exactly what I'd expect. As I mentioned I added the Q(C02
interface to my PERQ, it was just a handful of TTL parts (latches,
buffers, address decoder).