Subject: Re: CUBIX/6809 updates
From: "Dave Dunfield" <dave04a at>
Date: Tue, 13 Dec 2005 22:47:20 +0000
To: "General Discussion: On-Topic and Off-Topic Posts" <cctalk at>
A workaround for the floppy dataseparator would
be very nice...
Are they that hard to find? -- I've got a little stash of them, because I find them
all over the place (found quite a few at the local recyclers just by going through
their bin of scrap boards) I think they were quite popular at one time. They were
not uncommon on XT floppy controllers.
I haven't build it, but I'm pretty sure I have a data-separator design from a NEC
application note or some such kicking around - I can see if I can dig it up.
Yes, the 9216 and friends are scarce.
If I end up scanning the apnote I'll send it to you as I dont hold a
web site.
There are two ways in TTL both work and are fairly simple. I have the