Hi, Zane & Group,
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On 20-Nov-02 at 13:34 Zane H. Healy wrote:
I'm trying to find some info on HVD SCSI. I know
for Terminators I need
HVD SCSI Terminators, but what about cables. Will any old 68-pin SCSI cable
do, or do I need special cables?
The only difference I've seen between diff and SE SCSI flat cables is that,
occasionally, longer HVD cables will be the twisted-pair variety.
Other than that, there is no difference that I'm aware of.
Also, does anyone have any favorite vendors that sell
this sort of thing?
Electro Products here in Kent can make or sell darn near any type of cable you could
imagine. They're in the phone book.
Keep the peace(es).
Bruce Lane, Owner & Head Hardware Heavy,
Blue Feather Technologies --
ARS KC7GR (Formerly WD6EOS) since 12-77 -- kyrrin(a)bluefeathertech.com
"I'll get a life when someone demonstrates that it would be superior
to what I have now..." (Taki Kogoma, aka Gym Z. Quirk)