Nice catch with the IBM gear, especially the 1130. At the Computer Museum
History Center part of the 1620 project
( was to restore the
collection's IBM 1620 to operation, another small IBM computer but of an
earlier vintage. Is the 1130 running? We refurbished the 1620 literally from
the ground up, starting with the power supplies and then going from there. I
suspect you'll want to go through a similar process to avoid any nasty age
related problems. Post pics and keep us informed of your progress. Good luck
and have fun!
Lee Courtney
Monterey Software Group Inc.
1350 Pear Avenue, Suite J
Mountain View, California 94043-1302 U.S.A.
650-964-7052 voice
650-964-6735 fax
Advanced Authentication, Audit, and Access Control Tools and Consulting for
HP3000 Business Servers
-----Original Message-----
From: owner-classiccmp(a)
[]On Behalf Of William Donzelli
Sent: Saturday, April 07, 2001 2:55 PM
To: classiccmp(a)
Subject: Re: For Sale: PDP-8/i w/ Paper Tape
Hi, can you please tell me more about the IBM
stuff, or where I can find
out more about it? Thanks! -Mike
The IBM stuff consists of some channel-connected readers and punches
(S/360 stuff), as well as some stand alone "unit record" equipment.
The disk is an S/360 era model, requiring the use of a 2841 control unit
(I will be looking for one of those) for channel connection.
The mini is an 1130 system (more properly an 1131), and could be called
IBM's PDP-8.
The best place to learn about older IBM equipment is to get the books
recently published by the MIT Press. One is called "IBMs Early Computers"
and the other is "IBMs System 360 and Early 370 Computers". They are out
of print, but can be found with a little looking.
William Donzelli