-------------- Original message ----------------------
From: cctalk-request at
3. Re: Lack of 8-bit threads (was Re: Linux
question) (Chuck Guzis)
Message: 3
Date: Sun, 22 Apr 2007 08:50:00 -0700
From: "Chuck Guzis" <cclist at sydex.com>
Subject: Re: Lack of 8-bit threads (was Re: Linux question)
One other fairly popular "nearly compatible" that I recall is the
Mitsubishi PC. Like the Convergent-designed 6300 It was a headache
for a lot of applications. Not really inferior to the 5150, but
different enough to be frustrating.
The 6300 (and 6300 Plus) were designed and built by Olivetti, probably by the same
engineers who used to keep Mussolini's trains running on time. Their DB-25 video
connector is the only reliable way ever discovered to break a Radio Shack Daisy Wheel
Printer II (aside from tossing the beast into a smelter). Convergent did the 7300 and 3B1
Unix PCs (vastly superior machines in my arrogant opinion, but I'm partial to just
about any MC68k series systems that didn't come from Cupertino).
Ward Griffiths wdg3rd at
The reason folks don't think of installing Windows as a painful experience is roughly
the same reason men don't think of childbirth as a painful experience. Mike,