"Jason (the General)" wrote:
I just found drivers for the Sound Source today. It
turned out that one of
the people on my ICQ list also has a Sound Source. I loaded the Win 3.1
drivers in my P70, fired it up, and it works!
Now my next 'project'. I have an old Covox Speech Thing that I've had
sitting around for quite some time. Just for the heck of it, I plugged it
into the parallel port of the P70, fired up the P70, loaded windows, and....
A garbled mess of undefinable static came out of the speaker...
I'm guessing that this means that it works, but has nowhere near the
capabilities of the Sound Source.
I remember that someone had emailed me, saying that they had the drivers for
the Speech Thing (I know that Sputter is supposed to drive it, but have no
clue how to set it up because I don't know the port address of the parallel
port on my SupersPORT...) I lost the email of the person that said they had
the drivers (HD crash - *stupid windoze*). Do you remember who you are?
That was probably me. I just moved recently, so I got to look around and find
it. Give me some time. I know I have it, just can't remember where I put it.
I haven't used this in years.
( o o )
| Ram Meenakshisundaram
| Senior Software Engineer
| OpenLink Financial Inc
| .oooO Phone: (516) 227-6600 x267
| ( ) Oooo. Email: rmeenaks(a)olf.com
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