On 9/9/05, Glen Slick <glen.slick at gmail.com> wrote:
On 9/9/05, James Nugen <jnugen at
one.woovis.com> wrote:
I saw this article in the latest (Sept. 2005)
'Circuit Cellar' and
thought some of you 1802 fans might find it interesting:
*Replacing a Legend: *Build a Functional Equivalent to the CDP1861*
That article appears to come from the people of Spare Time Gizmos.
I need to get an Elf 2000 board from them and build one.
I have one (and the STG1861). The Elf 2000 is assembled and works
great. I'm verifying my disk I/O board (8-bit CF interface plus
Dallas clock chip plus 16450/16550 UART) right now. I am out of
ancient/recycled 22V10 GALs and am having problems getting set up to
burn modern Atmel ATF22V10s, or I'd have a working STG1861 by now.
One of my short-term project goals is to get ElfOS up on the Elf2000,
then to get Zork running on it (using Mike Riley's 'zrun3' program I
helped him debug).
If you want a full-featured 1802 machine, I can totally recommend the
Elf2000. It was easy to assemble and works great.