Jerome typed thusly:
I acquired a couple of VT320 terminals, but I forgot
the DEC offset connector at the rear. On inquiry, I am told
that they come in two flavours:
(a) Separate DB25 (female or male) with DEC cable offset
connection along with a separate cable with the DEC offset
at each end
The connector is the 6-pin MMP (Moulded Modular Plug ISTR) which normally
came attached to a BN16E cable like this one here - <holds up BN16E-10 and
waves it in front of the screen :)>. The DB25 plug is an H8571 and there are
several sub-variants depending on gender of the DB25 end and whether pins
2&3 are crossed over, plus a 9-pin version of same called an H8575 (from
You can also get RJ45-MMP cables, part #BN24H and BN24J depending on whether
you need straight through or crossed.
If your VT320 is a UK one it comes with a standard male DB25 socket on the
back anyway, ISTR US ones didn't.
I can probably find spares of all of the above....