Regarding microvax parts, you can have whatever you want. Just telll me where it is
precisely, with line drawings if. Necessary. I know absolutely nuthink about DEC.
On Fri, Feb 1, 2013 8:04 PM PST Jerry Wright wrote:
----- Original Message ----
From: Chris Tofu <rampaginggreenhulk at>
To: cctalk at
Sent: Thu, January 31, 2013 11:22:59 PM
Subject: Re: Intel 310 computer case.
Multibus box - I'll take it. Ships to 08005 probably.
Chris this is real bare. has a limited Multibus back plane.
No much bigger than a PC. no Power supply. I might have
larger Mulibus box here if that would be better. ???
I see your other reply. The M7555 is the disk controller
for the Microvax. You should see the number on the
colored pull. It has a large ribbon cable connection
on the outward end.
- Jerry
On Thu, Jan 31, 2013 10:42 PM PST Jerry Wright wrote:
>I have a good empty case. any one need one ??
>Free + shipping
>- Jerry