Allison wrote:
Then you'd like the 5 tube 75/80m RX I've
built. Or maybe the 6m SSB
transceiver using analog phasing techniques.
I guess I might.
Thermionic diodes are noisy, much more so than silicon. Tubes at RF
cannot approach the noise figured that cheap transistors can.
My mistake here, I
was thinking DC offset rather than noise.
a 3CX1000 amp is still cheaper than a transistor one
and far more
tolerent of mishandling.
That is quite true.
Crystal sets could not eliminate WGSM (740am) 3000W
and 1 mile
away and allow me to hear WABC 770khz 40 miles away.
Well add another Crystal -- Filter that is -- :)
I agree that DSP is great for brick wall filters but you might want
to check up on Crystal Sets on the internet because I read a
few people saying that the design of the radios in the past
are based on incorrect theory.
Non-linearity it's bad design for some things but
useful where
efficientcy counts. Look at Class E trannsmitters and switchmode
power supplies for efficientcy.
That is only because you need a sine wave out of the transmiter
something that is easy to restore with a tuned circuit. You had better
not look at what I consider a state of the art HI-Fi amp to be, the
one I built from plans I found on the web. A whole 1.25? watts RMS
per channel. I consider it state of the art because 1) It has a
regulated power supply ( Zener diode - 800 volt 6.5 amp FET pass
tranistor ) 2) Single ended ultra-linear ( 50%) operation.
A 6SL7 driver and 6V6GT for the power amp.
I have a tranceiver for 6M/2M that uses IF dsp and
it's frontend is
very sophisticated and hears as good as any. To beat that took me
a year using some very good analog technology and it's limited to
6M and needs a digital display for the analog VFO. Great radio BUT,
not significantly better than the commercial one save for a few narrow
things I only care about.
What you should check out is Softrock, uses the soundard and CPU
to do the back end stuff and it's frontend is a 29$ kit. (it's sold out but the
details are there).
But is it open source? I don't like CLOSED equipment or ideas.
So whats this got to do with computers. Well as cpu
cycles get cheaper,
DSP can do things that analog had to do but not as well. Things like
brick wall filters that don't ring and phase delays that are frequency
invarient are very hard to do with analog. Right now a sound card
and a leftover 30-400mhz PC is a pretty cheap way to do dsp but,
there are chips out there that coming in cheaper and only require
programming. The difference is the computer can also deliver the
user interface or as pilots call them the "glass cockpit" rather than
a box of knobs and dials.
Some day I might want to break the glass and look inside.
Still if you have the PC it a good use for it, since it
too new to be a classic computer. :)
PS. I consider state of the art for personal computers
to a GOOD 6809 OS/9 system but not a with a COCO.