;assuming A[0] = MSW, and that each
;is 7 bytes long
movw #7,r3
clrw r6 ; clear carry over
.loop: clrw r4 ; clear tmp registers
clrw r5
movb (r0)[r3],r4 ; get unsigned byte into signed word
movb (r1)[r3],r5
mulw r4,r5 ; do signed multiplication
addw r6,r5 ; add in previous "carry over"
movb r5,(r2)[r3] ; save result
rotl -8,r5,r6 ; save "carry over"
bitcw #00FF,r6 ; make sure "carry over" is between 0 - 255
sobgeq r3,.loop ; loop
* The comment says 7 bytes long; the code actually does 8 (7..0)
* Why not use movzbw instead of clrw-and-movb?
* It's canonically bicw, not bitcw.
* You need bicw #ff00,r6, not #00ff.
* movzbw r6,r6 does what your bi[t]cw tries to, and is shorter.
* If you'd store the numbevrs little-endian, the VAX way, instead of
big-endian, you could do it much more cheaply with emul - especially
if you do use a multiple of 4 bytes.
Get's around the fact that the MUL instruction is
signed only, even
though the longer number is unsigned.
Provided you have integer overflow traps turned off, the difference
doesn't matter; the only difference between signed and unsigned
multiply is what constitutes arithmetic overflow.
Here's what I'd do, which rolls all the above suggestions together:
; All numbers are 8 bytes long, unsigned, LSB-first (native-endian)
; Overflow is ignored (high 64 bits of the 128-bit product are lost)
; r0 - points to first byte of multiplier A
; r1 - points to first byte of multiplier B
; r2 - points to first byte of result
; r3,r4,r5 - ignored on input and garbaged on output
emul (r0),(r1),$0,r3
emul (r0),4(r1),r4,r4
emul 4(r0),(r1),r4,r4
movq r3,(r2)
If you want the whole 128-bit product, then
; r0 - input A, 8 bytes
; r1 - input B, 8 bytes
; r2 - output, 16 bytes
; r3-r9 - scratch
emul (r0),(r1),$0,r3
emul (r0),4(r1),r4,r4
emul 4(r0),4(r1),r5,r5
emul 4(r0),(r1),r4,r8
addl2 r9,r5
adwc $0,r6
movl r3,(r2)
movl r8,4(r2)
movq r5,8(r2)
If you do have a DIV instruction,
What VAX doesn't?
and for printing out the result, it's easy to
divide through the
large number by 10 (as long as you get both the quotient and
remainder from the DIV instruction).
Except you don't. You probably want EDIV, which does give both.
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