Does everyone have experience connect 3.5" PC floppy disk drive to HP 16XX
logic analyzer? I think the HP used 720K floppy disk. It is different from
standard PC floppy disk. He is pintout on HP main board.
This may be a Sony MP-F52W-50 drive. That drive is used in the 9114B and
9153 drive units. The pinout matches sort-of (in that a couple of pins
you have tied high are in fact drive select signals, but it would be
sensible to tie them high if not used).
1 Reset Disk Change/
2 Disk Change
3,5,7,9,11 5V
6 DS3/
10 DS0/
12 DS1/
14 DS2/
4 LED On/
16 Motor On/
8 Index/
13,15,17,19,21,23,25,27 GDN
18 Step Direction
20 Step/
22 Write Data/
24 Write Gate/
26 Track00/
28 Write Protect/
30 Read Data/
32 Side Select/
34 Ready/
29, 31,33 12V
I am a bit suprrised you didn't mention pin 10. This is DS0/, and could
possibly be tied to ground in a single-drive system.
The pinout is close to that of a PC drive. But a PC drive will _not_ work
without major changes to the controller because the HP (or Sony) drive
rotates at 600rpm -- twice as fast.
If you have the old Sony drive, it's worth knowing that many of the parts
(head, stepper motor, analog ASIC, motor driver chips, etc) are the same
as in an Apple Mac 800K drive. Those are relatively common and make a
good source of spares.