Seems as though the CQD-423 likes another CSR address from the one I chose.
Set it to 772150 solved the problem. This address was at one time for a
DSSI module.
KA670-A V3.4, VMB 2.12
Performing normal system tests.
Tests completed.
>>show device
DSSI Bus 0 Node 5 (DISK45)
-DIA5 (RF72)
DSSI Bus 0 Node 7 (*)
DSSI Bus 1 Node 7 (*)
UQSSP Disk Controller 0 (772150)
-DUA2 (RA90)
-DUA3 (RA90)
UQSSP Tape Controller 0 (774500)
Ethernet Adapter
-EZA0 (08-00-2B-0B-B3-6E)
>>show qbus
Scan of Qbus I/O Space
-20000124 (760444) = 0000
-20000126 (760446) = 0B40
-20001468 (772150) = 0000 RQDX3/KDA50/RRD50/RQC25/KFQSA-DISK
-2000146A (772152) = 0B00
-20001940 (774500) = 0000 TQK50/TQK70/TU81E/RV20/KFQSA-TAPE
-20001942 (774502) = 0BC0
-20001F40 (777500) = 0020 IPCR
Scan of Qbus Memory Space
To those that responded, thanks, to those who watched and have Qbus
gear, another entry for the notebook of Qbus info.
Dan Snyder
Butler, PA